
この留学プログラムは、立命館大学薬学部の皆様が5年生になり、病院・薬局実習にて医療現場で薬剤師がどのように活躍しているかを学んだ後に、カナダに行きトップレベルの医療を提供している病院であるトロント小児病院・通称Sickkids、及び世界大学ランキングでも上位にランクインしているトロント大学(U of T)に留学させていただくというものです。


どのようなことを学んだかの一端はここに書かせていただきましたが、やはり言葉に起こすだけでは魅力を伝え切れないというのが実際であり、"Seeing is believing."という言葉があるように、皆様にはやはり実際にそこに行き、見て、聞いて、感じて、学んで欲しいです。



Field Study

What I learned at Sickkids

I learned a lot of things at Sickkids. They did "SickKids VS ad campaign".

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The campaign have garnered a lot of attention since launching.

However, they were delighted at the significant positive feedback from families and children who said they considered that the ad campaign was empowering, and broke through stereotypes.

In Japan, we could never do such an ad campaign.

In Sickkids, there were three clowns to encourage children. It was like a movie, "Patch Adams". I've never seen such a thing in hospitals in Japan.

The work of pharmacists there is so different from that of Japan. There are technicians, so pharmacists don't compound drugs. Thanks to this, they can use their time for patient rounds and patient compliance instruction.

In my case, when I went to see a patient with a pharmacist to observe the drug administration guidance, the pharmacist spent about 50 minutes for this. Japanese pharmacists spent 5 minutes or so for this.

This is the significant different point between Canada and Japan.

What I learned from a stroll in Toronto / at University of Toronto

In Canada, pharmacists can administer vaccination, even at their pharmacies. Pharmacists who have taken the training of vaccination can do this. In addition, pharmacists can do many kinds of vaccinations.

(↑This is a part of lesson's slides at Toronto University.)



I would like to focus on "eHealth". It is a hybrid of information technology and healthcare. In Japan, the word means the electronic health record, remote medicine (telemedicine), etc in a narrow sense. In Canada, however, it is also used for primary care. Primary care is the day-to-day healthcare given by a health care provider.

The government of Canada has been making investments in this since the 1997 Federal Budget, including federal commitments towards First Ministers Agreements. This government’s response is the great difference from that of Japan.

(from the topic in June on Facebook)


・Night view of Toronto

・Sweetheart BB Toronto

・Niagara Falls

・Presentation of the clinical training

Contact information

Facebook : Nishioka Yuki

e-mail : ph0050ss@ed.ritsumei.ac.jp

Research lab : Microbial chemistry lab (Science core 4F)