YEAR 2023

The Program

Ten fifth-year students participated in the two-week-long program conducted through the end of February to March, AY 2023. The program this year included training at the newly inaugurated Patient Support Centre at SickKids, as well as in the Simulation Lab

2023年度の2月から3月に2週間のプログラムが実施され、10名の5年生が参加しました。今年はSickKidsに新しく開設したPatient Support Centreや、Simulation Labでも研修を行いました。


University of Toronto

The students attended classes at the Faculty of Pharmacy, located on the beautiful campus of the University of Toronto.

Community Pharmacies

Students from the University of Toronto, who underwent training at Ritsumeikan, guided us through pharmacies in Toronto.

3D Baby Models

Observing signs, including seizures and vital signs, in a 3D model of a baby.

PAM Cake

Participating in Pharmacy Appreciation Month Events.

Patient Support Centre at SickKids

Students took lectures at the newly built Patient Support Centre at SickKids.

Poster session ポスター発表

Students presented the outcomes of TCTP2023 in a poster presentation.
